SEO Trends to Known In 2022

As we move further into the 21st century, staying updated on the latest SEO trends is essential. By 2022, specific trends will likely dominate the field. Here are four of them.

  1. Voice search will continue to grow in popularity

As we move further into the 21st century, staying updated on the latest SEO trends is essential. One of the most important trends to keep an eye on is the growth of voice search.


Voice search has been growing in popularity for a few years now, and there's no sign that this trend will slow down anytime soon. In fact, by 2022, voice search may very well be the primary way that people search for information online.

  1. SERP features will become even more complex

SERP features will become even more complex as we move further into the 21st century. In particular, Google will likely continue to expand its use of rich snippets and other sorts of enhanced search results.

This means that SEOs will need to be more focused on optimising their content for these features. It will no longer be enough to have high-quality content simply; you'll also need to make sure that it's formatted in a way that will make it attractive to Google's algorithms.

  1. Mobile optimisation will become even more important

It's no secret that mobile internet usage is on the rise. In fact, by 2022, most internet traffic will come from mobile devices.

This means that SEOs will need to optimise their websites for mobile devices. Mobile optimisation is no longer optional; it's essential for any business that wants to stay competitive in the online marketplace.

  1. The importance of backlinks will continue to decline

Finally, the importance of backlinks will continue to decline over the next few years. This doesn't mean that backlinks are no longer necessary; they just won't be as important as they once were.

Instead, SEOs will need to focus on other factors such as user engagement and dwell time. These are the metrics that Google is likely to focus on more and more in the years to come.

SEO is complicated, so don’t invest your time if you don’t know anything about it. Or, if you don’t have time to do this process, contact the team at Anchor Digital; they’ll help you to stand out from the crowd.